Dudley Camper Corner
BIG SHOW 2020!!
Special thanks to the Dudley and Kiniya Arts Department. Enjoy!
Wednesday Night Show!!!
Get ready to relive a little of the Wednesday Night Show magic with this brief but fun virtual experience.
#18070 Dave Nelson helps us do some at home ceramics work.
Join us for the 2020 Dudley-Kiniya at home 5K on August 9. All you need to do is map out a 5K course near your home, put on your Dudley and/or Kiniya gear and run! Then take a picture at the end and upload it here!

At the end of the summer, we’ll be doing the first annual Dudley & Kiniya Virtual 5K! So we’ve put together a training program for you to get ready.
Week 6 WOD! Our very own Strength & Conditioning Coach, #24011 Paul Buehler, has created 5 Dudley WODs for each week of our program.
Checkout our last episode of “A Few Good Minutes,” with #11584 Rev. Pete Allen, listen to a chapel talk from #22961 Jackson Reydel, and watch our last virtual vesper of the summer with #21055 Sam Widing.
Plus, this week, we’re highlight our full Hymn Sing recording. Gather the whole family, turn up the bluetooth speaker volume, and sing so loud that your neighbors wonder what’s going on
#22961 Jackson Reydel Chapel Talk
#21055 Sam Widing Vesper
#11584 Rev. Pete Allen – A Few Good Minutes