Welcome to Summer 2020!
Dudley Camper Corner
Each week we will post new content for you to engage with throughout the summer. We hope you this will help you feel connected to the Camp Dudley community and bring some joy to your summer. There is a lot of good stuff in here including Chapel Talks, Vesper ideas, activities, and lessons. Don't try and get through it all in one day, spread it out throughout your week!

What's New!
Witherbee Hall
This week we have an introduction to theater at Dudley featuring the head of our theater program, #18079 Diana McGuigan. We’re also featuring an archived Wednesday Night Show from 2014 – The Sandlot.
Check out an introduction to Brodie, our arts & crafts center, with the head of our arts & crafts program, #18070 Dave Nelson. In addition, you can check out this week’s art project.
In this week’s outdoors pillar, #25223 Liz Moore, runs us through a fun outdoor game you can play with your family.

At the end of the summer, we’ll be doing the first annual Dudley & Kiniya Virtual 5K! So we’ve put together a training program for you to get ready.
Our very own Strength & Conditioning Coach, #24011 Paul Buehler, has created 5 Dudley WODs for each week of our program.
Chapel Talks this week are from #25186 Raj Nelson and #21704 Sam Dils. And we also are treated to a vesper from # 22524 Will Napper. We’re also getting started with our 2020 Chapel program, which a series we’re calling “A Few Good Minutes.” This week’s message is from # 18500 Rev. Bill Harper and is aptly titled – “Beginnings”
Chapel Talk – Raj Nelson
Chapel Talk – Sam Dils
A Few Good Minutes with Bill Harper
Vespers with Will Napper
Write a Letter to one of your cabin mates from last summer or, for new campers, to someone who you haven’t seen in a while.
Week 2 content will be posted on Monday, July 6th!