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Remaining Strong!

Throughout 2020, we have seen significant challenges to all aspects of the Camp Dudley and Camp Kiniya operations. Two timelines coincided; that of the Pandemic as it gained momentum, and that of our annual community invitation to financially support our Annual Fund and Scholarship programs. As a result, our focus shifted to staying safe and strong in the face of a health crisis not seen in over 100 years. We thought we would share some of the details of the steps we are taking to stay strong.

Safety Remains Our Top Priority – The decision to suspend camping operations for the summer of 2020 was very easy when it comes right down to it. We always place the health and safety of our campers, leaders, and staff at the forefront of every decision we make. Having launched the 2021 admissions season at the end of October, we remain hopeful and will approach the planning for next summer with this same health and safety focus.

Staffing of Critical Year-Round Positions – During the off-season, our Camps operate with only a core staff who perform essential functions that support basic facility operations, recruitment and retention of campers, and critical business and financial services. This core team has taken on additional duties throughout the pandemic, often working remotely, to assure we emerge strong and ready to serve the next season of campers.

Cost Containment – Without camper tuition, expenditures of any type, including those related to capital improvements, were evaluated and many were deferred. The digital production of the 2020 Camp Dudley News magazines is a classic example of savings that were necessary. This minimized expenses and helped sustain essential operations while allowing our families, friends, and alumni to remain connected.

Accessing New Resources – Camp took advantage of State and Federal loan and assistance programs that appeared at the beginning of the pandemic. This allowed staff to redirect efforts normally applied to preparing for the opening of Camp to developing a virtual “taste of Camp.”

Engaging our Community – Across our community, we created new ways to engage and live the motto. 

  • Summer leaders and staff created the first virtual camping experience for the 2020 campers, offering samples of all traditional camp programming. Read more about the Camper Corner here.
  • Friends and family gave generously to support the More Than a Place initiative benefiting the 2020 Annual Fund – Weathering the Storm.  
  • Leadership grants were offered to 2020 Leaders as a way of helping to cope during this summer without Camp.
  • More than 250 individuals joined the In It For The Long Haul virtual fundraising race, exercising in every way imaginable to stay physically strong and support Camp.
  • Generous alumni and friends have given special, inspiring gifts that have made an enormous difference in getting us to this point.
  • Families who could forgo refunds of prepaid tuition and registration fees donated all or a portion of the refund to the Annual Fund. 

Right now Camp has the opportunity to end the year without incurring any new debt. This is a vital part of staying strong and being ready for Campers in 2021! 

Give Now or through Venmo.

Unprecedented Matching Fund is Available NOW!

We have secured $600,000 of matching funds to make every gift received before December 31, 2020 work even harder. Every dollar donated before year-end will be matched – up until we hit $600,000! This generous fund will help assure that all necessary operating expenses occurring in 2020, the first year without tuition, can be met without borrowing additional money. It is easy to GIVE NOW online or via Venmo. Gifts of securities and those made by check are also eligible to be matched!  We hope that everyone who is able will consider a year-end gift to Camp and join others in keeping us financially strong as we Weather the Storm.

CARES Act Offers Tax Advantages for Charitable Gifts in 2020

The needs of Camp Dudley and Camp Kiniya and the thousands of other charities that exist today are more urgent than ever. Changes that were implemented in the CARES Act offer a variety of different tax opportunities to ALL taxpayers who make charitable contributions of ALL sizes in 2020. We always suggest you check with your personal tax advisor or accountant on matters like these, but this short summary will give you information to start the conversation. There is even a new tax benefit for individuals who make a donation of up to $300 and do NOT itemize deductions. Begin your research with this short article.

Apply for Summer 2025!HERE