Giving Gifts of Stock to Our Camps
Appreciated stock gifts are one of the best ways to support Camp, and they are easy to execute. Please check with your tax advisor but these types of gifts often offer tax advantages to the donor. Simply provide your broker with this information.
- Gifts to Camp Dudley, Inc. for the Annual Fund- gifts of securities can be made through Vanguard by calling 1-800-337-8476. FBO Camp Dudley Inc. DTC#0062 Acct. #23054865.
- Gifts to Camp Dudley Foundation for the Building for the Future Campaign and Endowed funds- gifts of securities can be made through Fidelity Investments by calling 1-800-544-6666. FBO Camp Dudley Foundation, Inc. DTC #0226, Account #Z48728338
Please contact Dawn Gay at 518-962-4720 with details of the transfer so that we can confirm the gift when it arrives and see that it is credited correctly. Thank you!
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