#13469 Joe Donahue
Atherton, CA
Joey graduated from Stanford University in 1993. After travelling, which included a semester of NOLS in Kenya, he graduated from Columbia University Medical School in 1999. Joey then did residency in orthopedic surgery in New York City and moved to Silicon Valley for a sports medicine fellowship year in 2004 at Sports Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Medicine Associates (S.O.A.R.) where he became at partner in 2005. In addition to his private practice, he is the SOAR Sports Medicine Fellowship Program Director, the Head Team Physician at Santa Clara University, was a team physician for the San Francisco 49ers from 2004-2007 and is currently a team physician with the San Francisco Giants. Joey’s first experience with Dudley was an open house in Connecticut in 1982. At the end of the slide show, Joey ran up to director Willie Schmidt and signed up for Camp on the spot. Starting as a Plebe, he enjoyed the idyllic days of summer in Westport for five years. His last summer was as an assistant leader in a cabin with fellow board member Pat Butler and sub-aide Matt Storey. More recently, he has served as the camp doctor for the past two summers. Since his first summer at camp, Joey embraced the Dudley motto as a guiding principle in how he conducts his daily life. Joey and his wife Kat have three children, #22069 Sam, #22469 Henry and #23369 Hannah, all happy Dudley and Kiniya campers. In a fast moving world, heavy in technology and overly concerned with academic and athletic achievement, the Donahues are thankful for camp, a true haven for kids to be kids, and where character is paramount.