Andrew Marrus, #12225
New York, NY
Andrew’s introduction to Dudley came as a half-season camper in 1977 in Cushman Lodge under Leader Regis Canning and JL Ed Schmidt. He returned in 1978 as a full-season junior under Bob Stackpole in Columbia. He was lucky to avoid the dreaded outbreaks of ear lobes under Willie that were treated with Tincture of Merthiolate. Post Camp, he attended St. Mark’s School in Southboro, MA and went on to Hamilton College, graduating in 1987.
After receiving an MBA from Columbia University in 1989, Andrew pursued a (very) brief career in advertising and only a slightly less brief stretch in consulting before joining Republic National Bank. In the subsequent 28 years, following service in Human Resources, International Private Banking, Corporate Planning and Strategy and Corporate Banking, Andrew joined the newly formed Risk Management department as the bank was acquired by Hong Kong Shanghai Bank (HSBC). At the close of his career with the bank, Andrew was leading the bank’s efforts in stress testing in the US for Wholesale Banking and Markets.
In 2020, Andrew returned to Columbia to get an M.S. in Sustainability Management, graduating 34 years after earning his MBA. His work at Columbia focused on Carbon Emissions and Carbon Accounting, Sustainable Investing, and the physical challenge of sustainability, particularly as it applies to fresh water and forestry.
He now splits his time between Aspen Capital Solutions, a financial advisory firm, providing Climate Risk Management solutions to banks and non-bank financial firms, and The Fanatics Group UK, an event management and production firm. In that role, he is a co-founder of The Good Clothes Show, a consumer expo focused on sustainable fashion, including recycling, upcycling, and the avoidance of fast fashion. The inaugural show is scheduled for September 2024 at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, UK.
Andrew serves as the Vice President of the board of Rising Treetops at Oakhurst, a year-round respite and summer camp program for children and adults with special needs. He also serves as the Vice President of The Summer Camp, a program for lower-income and at-risk girls aged 6-18 in Readfield, Maine.
He and his wife Jennifer are both native New Yorkers now living in Tribeca with their sons Ryan (#23225, Wake Forest ’24) and Evan (#24225, Trinity School ’24 who is under the watchful eye of at least one Bolster, one Nelson and one Schmidt).