Divisions at Dudley
Over our 140 years of experience, we’ve developed a rich program progression for each summer of the camp experience. This means that as boys progress through our four Divisions – Cubs, Plebes, Juniors, and Seniors – they can expect each summer to bring new activities, expanded programming options, and opportunities for personal challenge and growth…along with a heck of a lot of fun!
Our program is a developmentally appropriate progression that builds upon skills and lessons from previous summers while drawing on and integrating experiences from home. Experiences in the Dudley Program are built around….
- Our motto: “the other fellow first”
- Our mission: to develop moral, personal, physical, and leadership skills in the spirit of fellowship and fun, enabling boys and girls to lead lives characterized by devotion to others.
- Our core values: Character, Community, Leadership, Stewardship
- Our program pillars: Arts, Athletics, Outdoors, Spirituality
Though each Division has a particular emphasis, each year we focus on personal responsibility, getting to know others, having a positive attitude and positive influence on others, and leading by example and being a role model.

Our focus for Cubs is mastering personal responsibility. Campers begin taking ownership over their actions and words, their personal space, and making friends. This focus on personal responsibility is designed to foster an experience of independence and to build self-esteem.

Plebes focus on getting to know others. We work on fostering relationships and becoming more cognizant of the feelings, lives, backgrounds, and interests of fellow campers. Plebes often begin to feel a stronger sense of community as they build new relationships and have a deeper understanding of those around them.

During the Junior summer, we focus on maintaining a positive attitude and having a positive influence on others. Juniors begin to take on more challenges in our programming – longer trips in the outdoors, more team oriented programming, more meaningful group discussions. We feel one of the foundations of meeting these challenges is personal positivity as well as helping others meet them with positivity.

We expect our Seniors to lead by example and act as role models for the rest of camp. As the oldest camper group, Seniors naturally become role models to younger campers and we teach them how to take on that responsibility. In addition, Seniors take on more peer leadership within the cabin unit. As the last camper year, we also view the Senior summer as the first year in our Leadership Development Program.