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Letter from our Directors

Dear Friends, 

Know that all of us here at Camp have been thinking about our extended Camp family as you confront the pandemic at home, school, work, and within your communities. 

It’s certainly been a challenging year, and, to be sure, there is much uncertainty ahead, but we know that you are doing amazing things for the people around you to bring a little more of our motto to the world. As we approach Thanksgiving, we hope that the spirit of Dudley & Kiniya is alive in your hearts and in your homes – filling them with the power of community, gratitude, kindness, and love. 

It continues to be quiet along the shores of Lake Champlain. Our summer without campers and our fall without Open Houses have come and gone. And, while we have sorely missed being together with you all in person, we have felt the love and support of our beloved community every day. 

During this time of separation from the people and the places we love, we recognize the importance of staying connected from a distance, and we continue to work hard to put forth the most effective and purposeful communication through social media and virtual content. 

To that end, we share our Fall 2020 CD News with you today as an electronic version and hope you will find some enjoyment browsing its content over the Holiday Season. In addition, if you’re not already following us on Instagram or Facebook, we invite you to do so as we post at least twice a week from each camp. Lastly, check out our 2020-2021 recruiting videos for Dudley and Kiniya below.

Along with our Board of Trustees, we’re digging deep to make sure we have strategic objectives and action steps that will move us through this rough unchartered territory and into the future. Most notably, if all goes as we hope, our plan is to create a program that will allow our community back on campus for summer 2021. Our aim is to remain hopeful, flexible, and focused in the months ahead so that we can do so safely.

It has been nothing but inspiring to see how staff, board, and community have rallied together during this challenging year with the goal always of providing the Dudley & Kiniya Camp experience to as many campers as possible! It wouldn’t happen without you. 

We thank you for your continued support in all that we do and send peace and love to you, our dear Camp family,

Matt & Marnie

Apply for Summer 2025!HERE