Cabin Life and Daily Schedule

Cabin groups at Dudley are the family unit for campers while at Camp. The cabin grows together through sharing living space and chores, daily discussion, meals, and attending many events together.
Each day of Camp has a balance of scheduled activity time and open choice time.
We begin each day all together for breakfast before returning to cabins for inspection. Morning activities consist of two scheduled blocks followed by choice time. During scheduled blocks campers participate in one of their Majors and a Team Activity (sports). Before long, we return to the Dining Hall for lunch.
After lunch, we return to cabins for Rest Period. With our busy days, most campers use this opportunity to sleep, write letters home, or read. The rest of the afternoon brings one additional activity block, followed by choice time that takes us to our final meal of the day.
The magic of Dudley unfolds, in part, through other special activities the leaders and staff plan each summer. Many of these events occur in the evening, and include Wednesday and Saturday Night Shows, Hymn Sing, and Council Ring.
Each night we return to our cabin unit and reflect on the day together during evening Vespers.