Join the Beckman Society
Herman Carl Beckman first came to Camp Dudley as a youngster in 1897. Known as “Becky,” he was taken under the wing of the various directors and versed in the inner workings of Camp Dudley. As the trustees of the camp began their search for a new Director, Beckman emerged as a natural fit. He had spent time working as the Camp clerk for the BCS, was affiliated with the YMCA, and had a knack for working with young men.
And so it was that Camper #310, a 26-year-old from New York, embraced his passion for camping and climbed into a role that lasted 40 years as the “Chief” at Camp Dudley.
Chief was well known for his love of sports, particularly baseball. He took a great interest in all sports, including golf, basketball, swimming and diving, and tennis. In addition to Chief’s passion for athletics, he also appreciated music and religion, the dramatic arts, cleanliness, order, and he understood leadership. It is clear that Chief had a hand in every nuance of camp life at Dudley and was personally acquainted with every boy and Leader in his care. Many Leaders and campers who attended Dudley during Chief’s tenure reflect on his uncanny ability to recall names and faces of current and past members of the Dudley family.
The Chief Beckman Society is a growing group of donors that serves our camps in a very special way. Donors who plan to make a gift from their will or estate to Camp Dudley or Camp Kiniya and those who have established endowed funds for our Camps are included in the Chief Beckman Society. These donors make it possible for the “best ever” camping experiences we provide on both shores of Lake Champlain to continue in perpetuity.
Making a planned gift has sometimes been considered complicated and mysterious. It doesn’t have to be.
#12764 Chris Perry, CFP, told us recently that he made his first planned gift when he was offered a life insurance policy through his company. “When I filled out the company’s life insurance form, I just listed camp as a beneficiary for them to receive a percentage of the death benefit that would be paid.”
#26245 Liz Kirkpatrick, Trustee and Chair of the Development and Alumni Relations committee said, “Our family’s desire to help generations of future Dudley and Kiniya campers was best served by a deferred gift from our estate plan which also takes advantage of existing tax laws to create a larger gift.”
Planned gifts can take many different forms. Each offers donors a unique benefit and is usually developed as part of a larger financial plan.
Here is a quick summary of some of the common planned gifts that we have received:
- Gifts through your will or trust (bequests) – Your will or trust specifies that a percentage or exact dollar amount, be given to Camp Dudley, Inc. These gifts often can reduce estate taxes.
- Gifts outside your will – Camp Dudley, Inc. can be named as a beneficiary of life insurance policies, donor-advised funds, appreciated securities, real estate, or retirement plans.
- Gifts that pay you – With the help of your attorney, accountant and/or financial planner, a trust can be created that provides you with a charitable deduction and income during your lifetime. At the time the trust is settled, Camp Dudley, Inc., receives all or part of what remains in the trust.
Dave Langston, Director of Development or Dawn Gay, Annual Fund Director and Database Manager, would be happy to discuss giving options with you. Please contact them at 518.962.4720 or email However, we also recommend that you discuss your plans with your personal attorney, accountant and/or financial planner to assure that your long-range goals are fulfilled.