Sunday Talk with JU
Some of you who were around in the summer of 1988 may remember it as the “summer of love” — a theme cooked up by yours truly and my old friend #12082 Patrick Butler.
Supporting Camp at the End of the Year
With the end of the year approaching, we know that you are thinking carefully about the causes that are most meaningful to you. As you finalize your year-end giving decisions, consider a few tax-smart ways to make a gift that can have a significant impact at Camp Dudley, Inc. Before making any decision, please consult with your tax advisor or accountant.
A Tribute to the “Music Doctor,” Stuart Hemingway
#8804 John and #18204 Martha Story heard from an old friend, Carol Burch, who used to proofread the CD News. Carol spotted the tribute to the "Music Doctor", #8760 Stu Hemingway, in her hometown newspaper the Auburn Citizen in Auburn, NY.
#13175 Chris Murphy – Reflection
#13175 Chris Murphy - Reflection
The “Off Season” at Dudley
I have heard for years that September was the best month of the year at Dudley, and more broadly in the North Country, but I have never had the chance to experience it.
Take a Fresh Look at the Archives
This past summer while working at Camp, #10555 Dave “LangFu” Langston shared an updated version of Camp’s old postcard file that was created from images held in the Camp Archives.
Plant & Property Upgrades at Kiniya
The summer of 2020 was a new experience for all of us. Nobody knew what the future held in store for us, but the Kiniya maintenance team was ready to make the most of what we had.
Frisbie Farm Joins the Dudley Community
Camp Dudley has had the chance to expand its physical real estate typically once during a generation. It was 1891 when Camp moved to Westport.
The Passing of a Legend – #18178 Joan McKeown
On October 6, 2021, Camp lost one of its premier recruiters and spirited champions, #18178 Joan McKeown.
Dudley & Kiniya as a Resume Builder
We often don’t associate life at camp with our academic or career goals, but life at Dudley & Kiniya can often set us on a course for finding the thing (or multiple things!) that we want to dedicate our scholastic and professional lives to. Perhaps that’s why so many of our alumni have found long and fulfilling careers in education!