The Other Fellow—Half a World Away
The other fellow first is a guiding light. Its “gleam” is what first attracted my wife Carolyn and me to Dudley.
2023 Spirit Dedication
Throughout her many years within our community, there is one thing that stands out about Amanda above all else: she has a heart of gold with the unique ability to positively impact every life she touches.
2023 Last Whistle Dedication
Awarded at the end of every summer, The Last Whistle Dedication is one of the highest honors one can receive at Camp Dudley
Service to Nation and Training the Leaders of Tomorrow
It is hard to believe that it has been more than 11 years since I raised my right hand and recited the oath to serve in our Armed Services.
Composting at Dudley
We have been composting for the last several years at Dudley and Kiniya.
DKAA Reunion – 2023 Recap
Hello, Alumni Community! It was incredible to see so many of you in Colchester in August to celebrate Kiniya’s 105th summer!
Open House Tour and Summer 2024 Dates Released!
We are thrilled to announce the release of our 2024 Summer dates for Camp Dudley and Kiniya! Stay tuned for more information on how to apply.
The Yum Yum Tree
We all anticipate certain landmarks as we get closer and closer to campus
2023 Winter Board Meeting Recap – By #11904 John Ulin
I am writing to you from the Board table at Camp’s 2023 Winter Board of Trustees Meeting at the Hank Poler Leadership Center on the Dudley campus in Westport, New York.