Board Check-in with Erinn

I am Erinn Harley-Lewis, #25368, and extend my warmest greetings to our collective Camp Dudley and Camp Kiniya community! I am sincerely honored to serve as the Chair of our talented and dedicated Board of Trustees who are committed to making a positive impact on our Camps. 2025 marks my family’s tenth summer as members of the Camp community, and my eighth year as a member of the Board, and our love for Camp grows deeper and stronger each year.
When I was elected to serve on the Board, I accepted excitedly and without hesitation. In explaining my excitement, I told Spencer (#24268), Celeste (#25468) and Noelle (#26668), “if you are offered an opportunity to use your professional skills, educational background and life experiences for the betterment of a place that you love, or a cause that you believe in, you grab it – you answer the call to serve, utilizing the benefits and privileges that have been given to you to support something greater than yourself.” I am grateful to have received the call to serve, and to continue in the role of Board Chair. It is a privilege to work alongside a passionate team, supporting the Camp community and protecting our Camps’ financial, environmental and human resources for current and future generations.

In January, the Board held a productive meeting at Camp Dudley where we shared ideas and discussed our ongoing priorities, some of which include: (i) affordability and strategies for keeping Camp accessible for families across our community; (ii) responding to environmental changes and challenges; (iii) supporting our Directors and staff as they continue to deliver Camp’s programs in a welcoming, inclusive and caring community, and (iv) identifying Camp’s strategic priorities (for the near- and long-term). I thank the Trustees, Marnie and Matt, and Camp’s year-round staff for a wonderful weekend of thinking strategically, and dreaming expansively, about the best interests of our Camp community – always putting The Other Fellow First.
Under the incredible leadership of our Directors, past Boards and dedicated staff, we have seen our Camps grow and flourish. I look forward to building on that momentum, engaging with our Camp community, and leading the Board with thoughtfulness, integrity and transparency, to ensure the continued success of our Camps.