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Message from our Directors

Dear Dudley & Kiniya Family,

Throughout these winter months, our thoughts have been with you all. The continued uncertainties, the stresses, and the challenges have been real and palpable and we want you to know how much we are thinking of you. 

We also want to take a moment to reaffirm that it remains our intention, hope, and plan to operate Camp in summer 2021. We are so excited and working hard with our teams to run a quality program that creates space for our campers to connect socially and re-engage in Community. While COVID-19 has entered into every part of our lives, we still want the focus of their summer to be fellowship, friendship, and fun and are doing our best to make this happen! 

At the same time, we are realistic, knowing that there are many unknowns still at play. We expect some program changes will be mandated by the State of New York and Vermont, while other decisions will be made in consultation with our Board and with federal, state, and local experts in the fields of medicine and public health.

We are currently working on our COVID PROTOCOL FAQ PAGE, which we will share with our enrolled camp families in the coming weeks. We will make this page available to all Alumni so you too can keep apprised of updates as more certainties become known. We intend to include the link to this page in the next March Edition of the ENews. 

A lot can happen in the coming months and, as the situation develops, our plan will be developing with it. For now, we remain hopeful and deeply committed to welcoming kids back on campus four months from now. 

Thank you for your continued support from afar. We’re sending virtual hugs and YOHA’s right back to you every day. We hope you enjoy this month’s edition of The Other Fellow First News.

Matt & Marnie






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