DKAA Reunion Weekend
If you have a camp number then you’re a member! The Dudley Kiniya Alumni Association hosts our biggest annual gathering… Alumni Reunion Weekend. Please rsvp below as soon as possible.
Reunion Weekend – Join us at Camp Dudley on August 23-25, 2024!
Each August – one week after the close of camp – alumni and their families gather on the Dudley campus for a weekend of fun and friendship. The weekend offers an opportunity to catch-up with old friends, meet new ones, introduce family members to Dudley and Kiniya, and re-live some of that famous Camp spirit. There is no cost to this event and attendees stay in cabins and other lodging on campus.
Questions? Please send an email to
Tentative Schedule:
- Alumni and their families arrive in the late afternoon and evening
- Available activities that day include…golf, boating, soccer on Main Campus, swimming, and a kids movie in Sommer Hall
- We’ll also have dinner followed by a reception on Main Campus
- Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner served in Beckman Hall
- Various activities throughout the day…tennis, archery, pick-up basketball, swimming, boating, and arts & crafts
- Group hike to a High Peak
- Free throw shooting contest on the new Coach Nelson Courts!
- Play a round of golf in Westport
- The Person of the Year Presentation
- Hymn Sing
- The Final Reception & Music on Main Campus
- Breakfast in Beckman Hall
- Chapel in the Dudley Chapel
- Farewell coffee and donuts
Tentative Schedule:
- Alumni and their families arrive in the late afternoon and evening
- Available activities that day include…golf, boating, soccer on Main Campus, swimming, and a kids movie in Sommer Hall
- We’ll also have dinner followed by a reception on Main Campus
- Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner served in Beckman Hall
- Various activities throughout the day…tennis, archery, pick-up basketball, swimming, boating, and arts & crafts
- Group hike to a High Peak
- Free throw shooting contest on the new Coach Nelson Courts!
- Play a round of golf in Westport
- The Person of the Year Presentation
- Hymn Sing
- The Final Reception & Music on Main Campus
- Breakfast in Beckman Hall
- Chapel in the Dudley Chapel
- Farewell coffee and donuts
2024: Westport, NY – Dudley’s 140th
2025: Colchester,VT – 20th summer of Kiniya and Dudley
2026: Westport, NY
2027: Westport, NY
2028: Colchester,VT – Kiniya’s 110th